Everyone's voice is unique. No two people are going to sound the same, therefore they cannot be taught with the assumption that one "trick" will work for every singer. That being said, the methodology I use is being performed on some of the largest stages in the world.
The voice is muscle and membrane and like any other part of our body, there are right ways and wrong ways to work it. My focus, for every singer, is to walk away singing in a healthy and sustainable way. I do this by staying up to date on the latest vocal science and teaching the voice as the body part it is, not by trying to coach it into something pushed or forced into a specific style or genre.
The voice is muscle and membrane and like any other part of our body, there are right ways and wrong ways to work it. My focus, for every singer, is to walk away singing in a healthy and sustainable way. I do this by staying up to date on the latest vocal science and teaching the voice as the body part it is, not by trying to coach it into something pushed or forced into a specific style or genre.
What does this look like?
Lessons are broken into two halves:
1st Half - We will learn a specific set of warm ups along with tools to specialize those warm ups to your unique voice. The warm ups are designed to be fully pedagogically sound, as well as help you move from “listening” to your voice to “feeling” your voice. Our ears have a tendency to give us a false impression of our sound, just like a mirror can give us a false impression of our size or shape. Feeling what your body is up to when you do any activity (and ESPECIALLY when you sing) is a much more reliable way to analyze how we are utilizing our bodies and whether we are doing so at maximum efficiency
2nd Half - We take the feelings and sensations we learned from our warms ups and apply them to actual music. Music adds a whole new set of variables that any singer must contend with. While the warm ups do an excellent job in an isolated environment, we are often required to do gymnastic things with our voices and we want to make sure we are doing them in a way that is functional, efficient, and sustainable.
1st Half - We will learn a specific set of warm ups along with tools to specialize those warm ups to your unique voice. The warm ups are designed to be fully pedagogically sound, as well as help you move from “listening” to your voice to “feeling” your voice. Our ears have a tendency to give us a false impression of our sound, just like a mirror can give us a false impression of our size or shape. Feeling what your body is up to when you do any activity (and ESPECIALLY when you sing) is a much more reliable way to analyze how we are utilizing our bodies and whether we are doing so at maximum efficiency
2nd Half - We take the feelings and sensations we learned from our warms ups and apply them to actual music. Music adds a whole new set of variables that any singer must contend with. While the warm ups do an excellent job in an isolated environment, we are often required to do gymnastic things with our voices and we want to make sure we are doing them in a way that is functional, efficient, and sustainable.
What people are saying about lessons with Katie...
“I've been singing/performing all my life, and have studied with too many teachers and vocal coaches to count. Katie Gall is the ONLY one who has been able to quickly, precisely and effectively stop my bad habits in their tracks! Just watching me sing Katie could point immediately to the problems and knew at least 3 different ways to fix each of them right off the bat. Katie also understands the value of her students' opinions, thoughts and experiences; she's a great listener and works very well with actors and singers alike to ensure our safety, comfort and success. She can tell just by looking at a piece whether or not it's right for me, as an actor as well as a vocal student. I'm performing great music I've avoided for years because I just couldn't do them before!”
– Catesby B.
“Katie has an affinity for creating a fun and inviting environment in her lessons, an important feature for non-professional singers. Always comfortable and packed with useful technique and tips, Katie’s lessons have helped me recognize and sharpen my vocal potential.”
--Ally S.
– Catesby B.
“Katie has an affinity for creating a fun and inviting environment in her lessons, an important feature for non-professional singers. Always comfortable and packed with useful technique and tips, Katie’s lessons have helped me recognize and sharpen my vocal potential.”
--Ally S.